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JWA Parents

Hello Parents! We thank you for entrusting your child to our team program and look forward to working with you.


Please know we care about the whole person in our program. While getting better at basketball is our focus, we care about each player getting better in all areas of life. We enforce a strict grades first policy along with a no fighting policy. This is why we require a report card prior to being able to be part of JWA's program. 


Parental Expectation.

You player's success at getting better in basketball is largely dependent off of you ability to support them in doing so. This is done by:

  • Making sure they're on time to practice

  • Getting them to games on time

  • Helping them with the proper attitude to learn the game and respect authority

  • Work as a team

Do not expect your child to play in games if they're missing practices, aren't putting the work in, or having a difficult attitude to coach during practices.


We look forward to watching your player develop over the upcoming season and years ahead!

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