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Parent/Guardian Authorization, Disclaimer, & Waiver of Liability

PARENT OR GUARDIAN AUTHORIZATION, DISCLAIMER, & WAIVER OF LIABILITY The information giving is true to the best of my knowledge. To induce the Julian Woods Athletics, Inc. (JWA) to accept registration and permit participation in JWA by the named participant, I the parent or guardian of said individual, hereby give my consent to agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless JWA, it’s officials, managers, coaches, and representatives, from any claim arising out of personal injury, death, or bodily injury to the above named participant. Any property damage which I and/ or the participation may cause will be repaid in full, even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness or activity; knowing such risks, nevertheless, I hereby agree to honor the rules set by the board of directors by-laws and policies. All student-athletes must have a copy of his or her birth-certificate the participant parent that is present on the birth-certificate must sign all documents provided for this participant to participate in all activities under Julian Woods Athletics, Inc. (JWA). In addition, a medical physical is needed, signed and stamp by a physician no exception (no child can participate without a legal physical). We require all student-athlete parents to turn in progress report or report card any child with a below C average is will not participate in any activities under Julian Woods Athletics, Inc. All fees must be paid in full by November 23, 2018 a $25.00 fee will apply to any fee that is not paid by said day. Once uniforms are order no refund will be giving to said participant. I have read and agreed to the registration and program policies. Further I agree to allow use of my image, quotations, comments or statistical information and/ or that of the participant, which may be captured through video, photo, digital camera or other media, for the Julian Woods Athletics, Inc. promotional materials and publication. By registering and paying for you child serves as your signature and acknowledgement of this document/page and that you understand its contents.

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